Before moving on, for those who aren’t well-versed with Harry Potter lingo -
"A Patronus is a kind of positive force, and for the wizard who can conjure one, it works something like a shield, with the Dementor feeding on it, rather than him." (Remus Lupin in Harry Potter)
I would want my favorite superhero to have a Patronus -like ability. That is, the ability to infuse positivity in our surroundings, to uplift our moods. I believe we have the power to do anything we wish, right within us. We just need to believe that we can do it. To have that sense of confidence, we should be filled with positivity and willingness. A patronus would just do that. It will erase out the Dementors (read insecurities, fears, doubts..) of our life and fills us with positivity.
In fact, we can conjure our very own Patronus. How? In the same way in which J. K. Rowling makes her characters conjure theirs.
“In order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory… Allow it to fill you up... lose yourself in it... then speak the incantation "Expecto Patronum". (Remus Lupin in Harry Potter)
This actually works(minus the wand and the spell of course!). When you are feeling very low, browse through some old photographs, talk to an old friend or just think about some good times you have had. Think of a time where you made others feel proud about yourself. When you achieved something, you barely thought possible. This will make you feel so nice about yourself.
Do try it out and do tell me what's your Patronus? :P
PS: Harry Potter reminds of a question I was asked in an interview recently: Describe one thing from Harry Potter which you can actually implement using technology (ofc which is not already implemented), and also how you will implement it.
Any ideas?