How many of you believe that man makes his own destiny? And how many believe, that your fate is pre-written?
I personally and very strongly believe that you can achieve whatever you want to. The toughest of problems usually have the simplest of solutions. The challenge is to find it. Here I am going to introduce to a theory which will help you do just that. It is called the Law of Attraction (LOA)
So what is Law of Attraction? In simple words it means – like attracts like, whatever you think or believe strongly, is what is going to happen. “When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true”, quoted by Paulo Coelho, in his book The Alchemist is exactly what LOA preaches. LOA is just like any other law of universe- like the law of gravity. It is impartial and omnipresent. There is a whole bunch of science out there which proves my claims, but I want go into that.

All this said, it doesn’t mean that if you sit all day and chant money, money, money and expect to become a millionaire. Obviously not! There are three important things to keep in mind. 1) You have to work towards your goal actively. 2) You have to actually believe that you will be a millionaire; you have to have faith in yourself. 3) You have to picturize the end result constantly.
This law may seem a bit hard to digest, because of its simplicity but trust me it works. Try applying it for small things and see the results. Most of you would have actually experienced LOA working for you. Have you given an exam with the least preparation but you feel that you will do well, and you actually do well? That’s LOA in practice. Do try it for small things and see how miracles happen :)
Hey cool Stuff! Have always wanted write but never got around to it..Given me food for thought..
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot :)
ReplyDeleteYou should try it out! Its fun and fulfilling :)