Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rainbows of Joy

I somehow don't like Sundays. You know why? Simply because they are followed by Mondays. And I better not get started on how much we hate Mondays. I love Saturdays though and again for the same reason – they are followed by Sundays! (Of course, nowadays Friday is the new Saturday) Its kinda sad na? So much is dependent on what future holds for us. We just feel happy by thinking about a holiday, not knowing it may turn into a disaster and when we do get a holiday we feel blue about going to work the next day. I mean we have so many hopes and feelings based on what may or may not even happen. I think most would agree, that the trips that are unplanned and sudden, more often than not, turn out  to be most fun. Even the thrill of an unexpected holiday is better than the approaching weekend. I am sure everybody loves it when it starts pouring on a hot and sunny day, when you least expect it. And that's when we see the rainbow. Unexpected joys are like rainbows, vibrant and short-lived, and they always bring a smile on our faces. We spend so much of our time planning and contemplating about our future. We have hardly any time to enjoy when it’s actually the time to cherish the rainbows that life leaves for us every now and then. Planning is important and but too much planning can kill the fun sometimes. Plus, It creates hopes and expectations and end up hurting us when the plan doesn't work out. I guess somethings should be just done on impulse. Take a day off just to read that book you wanted to since you bought it two months ago. Call that person you had a crush on but never had courage to talk to.  Make prank calls to your friends. Try that recipe of the chocolate truffle cake, you saw on the TV. Visit the salon and get that complete makeover you read about only in magazines. Rejoice the unexpected joys of life and let future unfold at its own sweet pace.


  1. Nice post :) I completely agree! Last minute plans are the ones that give you maximum joy! I have a theory as to why this happens. There isn't enough time to make expectations out of them. You get into the plans really fast. And everyone knows no expectations always give you maximum happiness. If only we could remember that always! :D

  2. "Unexpected joys are like rainbows, vibrant and short-lived, and they always bring a smile on our faces."
    _/\_ Its so true! Amazing post :) Keep up the good work!

  3. To live in the moment... nice work :)

  4. Thanks guys :))
    @Dhanam : Bang on! So true.
